On Aug 1, 2008, at 8:08 AM, Mark Boon wrote:

The neighbours of the last move come in the picture because usually it's only the last stone played that can be escaping a ladder and it's the neighbours of the last move that could have been put into atari. Nothing to do with the additional complexities Don mentioned.

Let me give a specific example. Suppose that, during a playout, the tree leads us to this position, with O to play:


Having reached the frontier of the tree, we now finish the game using Monte Carlo with a ladder reader. The last stone played, to the left of a, is trapped in a ladder, but can escape if not chased. Our ladder reader therefore suggests O play at a.

For the next move in the playout, if # only reads ladders from the last move played, it will see that the O stone at a is not in a ladder, so move is suggested. The playout now turns completely random, and it's a coin toss as to whether the group will escape.

If we also search stones next to the last stone played, things only get slightly better. # sees that its stones are in a ladder from which they cannot escape, so it doesn't suggest b. If we tell it to play a ladder breaker in such situations, it might play c, which is fine. However, on O's next turn, c is not in a ladder, nor is any stone next to c, so no move is suggested. Specifically, O does not make the vital capture at b.

It seems too expensive to search every point on the board for ladders. What to do?

Peter Drake

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