Commercial market for Go software is in Japan in Korea. Western player
do not make significant numbers and Chinese probably find bettre uses
for money - although there more reach Chinese people than people in


2008/11/21 Michael Gherrity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I have read that the amount of money that a winning computer go program
> would make in a go tournament is insignificant compared to the amount of
> money that such a program would earn selling to the general public. I have
> also read that the biggest pirates of computer software come from Germany,
> the UK, and the US. The foreign exchange student we are hosting from Beijing
> China said that most people in China do not buy software, but download it
> for free off the net.
> So what is true?
> mike

Petri Pitkänen
computer-go mailing list

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