On Fri, 2008-11-21 at 07:53 -0800, terry mcintyre wrote:
> Americans have, generally speaking, more respect for the rights of
> others - and guns play a part in that, since many of us choose to
> defend our rights directly. As Heinlein wrote: "An armed society is a
> polite society."

I don't want to get into a political discussion here - but I did start

> Google "pink pistols" and "terry mcintyre" if you wish.
> I say "in general", but there are of course subcultures which have a
> lot less respect for peace and honesty than others.
> There was a fellow who sold bagels in office buildings in Washington,
> DC; customers paid on the honor system by dropping money into a box. A
> line to an article about his experiences is below. Paul F. found that
> 80-90% of customers would voluntarily drop money into a box to pay for
> his products. He also discovered that people in "higher" executive
> offices were less honest than the more "ordinary" working stiffs.

I can believe that.   The Detroit top executives went to Washington
asking for bail-out money - but they flew there in their private jets
and this offended some of the congressmen there.

It seemed crass to me too.   Even if I had a private jet I think I would
have at least not been so undignified about it.

- Don

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