> uct_param_player ignore_clock 1
> uct_param_player max_games 8000
> uct_param_search number_threads 1
> uct_command_player ponder 0

I learnt the other day that ignore_clock only ignores the game time
settings, but there is still a default 10 seconds per move. To get rid
of that add:
  go_param timelimit 999999

You also need to set max_nodes quite high or Fuego will keep stopping to
clear out its tree. I'm setting it to max_games*50, so for 8000:
  uct_param_search max_nodes 400000

According to my notes fuego uses 75M + (65M per million max_nodes). So
15 million nodes will use about 1Gb.  (That is on 32-bit linux.)

> I expected to win 50 to 60% of the games, but won 88% of 1300 games.  There
> were several games that Fuego lost due to a superko violation.
> Am I missing a parameter to set the rules to Chinese with superko?

go_rules chinese

(I think the tromp & taylor, but I'm surprised superko is not part of it)

You can also use go_param_rules to set each rule aspect separately.
(BTW, I find using gogui is the best way to understand the fuego settings.)

> Am I missing a parameter to give the strength I've seen in KGS tournaments?
> Perhaps Many Faces is relatively stonger with few playouts due to its
> knowledge and Fuego will do better with more playouts?

Can you compare the total CPU time spent on a game by each of Fuego and
Many Faces and if Fuego is using less then increase max_games accordingly?
Or, given that you just want a strong opponent for regression testing,
forget cpu time and simply keep doubling max_games until you reach 50% :-)

To answer your question I also have these in my config, which I got from
 uct_param_search lock_free 1
 uct_param_search virtual_loss 1

The first makes it stronger when using multiple threads. I'm not sure
what the second is doing...



Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer
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