>> You also need to set max_nodes quite high or Fuego will keep stopping to
>> clear out its tree. I'm setting it to max_games*50, so for 8000:
>>   uct_param_search max_nodes 400000
>> According to my notes fuego uses 75M + (65M per million max_nodes). So
>> 15 million nodes will use about 1Gb.  (That is on 32-bit linux.)
> I miss something:
> max_games and max_nodes are correlated or not ?
> why do you chose max_nodes = max_games*50 ?
> is it boardsize dependent ?

My tests have all been at 9x9 so it probably is. When I used
max_games*32 it sometimes hit the limit and had to spend time clearing
out its tree.

> I guess that either max_games or max_nodes should be specified, but not
> both (the first reached is the limiting factor ?)

max_games is how many playouts it does. I.e. how strong it is.

max_nodes is how much memory you want to give it; if too low then it
will have to clear out some moves from its tree which wastes time (it
might reduce strength too).

BTW, looking at your config file, I think go_rules is not just to set a
text string, but also does the same as the go_param_rules calls. Testing
from gogui, I tried each of go_rules japanese  chinese and  kgs and
gogui reports all the go_param_rules have changed (including super ko rule).

(Also I think someone reported on the fuego list that "uct_param_search
number_playouts 2" stopped giving any advantage after some bug fixes??)


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer
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