2009/12/9 Christian Nentwich <christ...@modeltwozero.com>:
> On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 09:30:47PM -0500, Eric Boesch wrote:
>> > You can mathematically prove the two systems are almost the same, so
>> > there's no need to test.
>>  Yes, this was my line of thought, but I wasn't sure if I'm not missing
>> anything...
> If you ever decide to test which is faster, please post the results, I'm
> curious about how expensive the branch prediction miss is when using two
> values :-)

I don't think there is any branching involved. When you place a stone,
you add zobrist_table[point][color]. When you remove it, you subtract
it. That's all you need to do. If you had a value for empty, you would
have to add and subtract
zobrist_table[point][color]-zobrist_table[point][empty]. Nothing else

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