On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Jacques Basaldúa <jacq...@dybot.com> wrote:
> 1. The 3 hashes:
> As Eric Boesch and Álvaro said, you can get the same codes
> as in the Black[], White[], Empty[] scenario using only 2
> BlackXorEmpty[] and WhiteXorEmpty[]
> 2. What does make sense is making a difference between a
> The positional hash is the typical Zobrist hash of just the stones.
> The situational hash is the XOR of the positional hash and
> all moves forbidden by ko or superko (if any). I use another
> table of 361 64 bit codes for each forbidden move. At least,
> the tree search must have this in consideration, because
> the same stones but different legal moves, it is not the
> same position.

You can take this further and say that if it's the same stone
configuration, the same legal moves but a different set of visited
stone configurations, it is not the same position. The legal moves
might be the same now, but they might be different after I perform a
particular move.

I usually understand that the Zobrist key just hashes the stone
configuration, and I have to mess with it if I want to add more
information (side to move, ko...).


> I guess most programs do this one way or another.
> Jacques.
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