> Is "KGS rank" set 9 dan when it plays against Fuego?

Aja replied:
> Yes.

I'm wondering if I've misunderstood, but does this mean it is the same
as just training your CNN on the 9-dan games, and ignoring all the 8-dan
and weaker games? (Surely the benefit of seeing more positions outweighs
the relatively minor difference in pro player strength??)



> I did answer Hiroshi's questions.
> http://computer-go.org/pipermail/computer-go/2014-December/007063.html

Thanks Aja! It seems you wrote three in a row, and I only got the first
one. I did a side-by-side check from Dec 15 to Dec 31, and I got every
other message. So perhaps it was just a problem on my side, for those
two messages.

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