Part of this, too, is IT fighting to keep its comfort-level.  The IT
support and O&M folks I deal with are afraid of anything not from
Microsoft, since so much is.  They blame any problem on the non-M$
product in a mix of 99% M$ products and mostly dread Linux or UNIX,
which they seldom see.  I don't see personal hostility, though, and work
easily with them.  They will always answer my M$ questions quickly,
plainly and clearly.  The network security folks seem to be in over
their heads, just struggling to get by, constantly adding more products
and network restrictions.

Thank you,
Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----
When we describe actual IT horrors they call it "anecdotal" and dismiss 

When we show survey results they make fun of "statistics."

I would say the bad guys are in deep, deep denial. They are severely 
damaging their organizations and want to continue to do so.

I was at a client earlier this week and saw it happening once more. IT 
aggressively dug in, clinging to the wrong answers. Telling the 
money-making departments that they have to dance to IT's tune and it is 
just too bad if it damages their productivity.

Thanks for the link. I'm spreading it around in the hope that it does 
some good. It is hard to push back against IT. They snow top management 
with technical-sounding mumbo jumbo that is mostly bull shit and 
non-technical managers are flummoxed. Perhaps this will help break 

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