At 02:47 PM 2/19/2008, Fred Holmes wrote:
With Verizon Wireless you can "decline" text messaging, i.e., turn it off altogether, if that works for you. I did it verbally, i.e., by calling customer service and asking them to turn off all texting to/from my phone.

Thanks. There are a few uses for text messaging: in emergencies it will get through even if the network is overloaded (think 911); and airlines will text message you on flight information.

And that's about it. I used to get weather messages, but found it was more convenient to call the weather bureau. I've got the weather bureaus up and down the east coast in my dialing directory

Fred Holmes

At 02:02 PM 2/19/2008, David Chessler wrote:
>I'm now starting to get text-message spam on my cell phone. This annoys me because my plan requires me to pay for all text messages (I don't use the feature myself). It's not a problem YET: I get far more wrong numbers than text messages.

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