Neither one is making money as it is.

Both of them had exclusive agreements with some content which made choosing impossible,. (I for one have held off until this time)

Secondly they are competing against free radio as it is.

Why pay for radio when you can get it for free. Plus with the advent of portable MP3 players in many newer cars means less over the air content being used.

I personally use my MP3 player on long trips and do not need to pay for a radio service.

Again Europe has a much higher population density than the US. Not fully comparable. (Plus their regulations and rules are different)


At 03:48 PM 3/25/2008, you wrote:
In today's news we see the DOJ declaring that merging the only two
satellite broadcasters into one would not be anticompetitive. I guess
their logic is that a duopoly has been so anticompetitive that a monopoly
could not be much worse?

Yet one more example of why the USA is so far behind technologically.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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