I agree with you.

Where I live it is country or gospel all the time.

Not what I want to listen too.

Thank God for PBS, but even that gets old sometimes.


At 06:53 AM 3/26/2008, you wrote:
I see you're using National Association of Broadcasters logic:  they don't
compete against us, which is why we lobbied so viciously to prevent the
merger.  You must have forgotten why there were only 2 satellite providers
to begin with:  NAB lobbying to restrict the number of companies.  Which,
BTW, is the only way the NAB knows how to compete:  have the state crush or
hobble the competition.

I'd say the boards and shareholders of XM and Sirius know a bit more about
their business than you or the guvmint does.  As someone who has both
services, I can get behind this if it means that there will continue to be
an alternative to the god-awful, bland drivel that Clear Channel, et al.
pump out in near infinite volume.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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