> To restate your words: The government decreed that there would be an
> oligopoly with only two players. They kept other players out. They
> created an $80,000,000 barrier to entry.

No kidding.  I didn't disagree with you.  Maybe the FCC shouldn't be trying
to make money by shaking down media companies and making the radio spectrum
a protection racket.

> This is the worse kind of economic policy. This is not government
> regulation. This is the government picking winners and losers and
> effectively selling a license to allow companies to prey on citizens.

Preying?  Making a ginormous private investment in a completely new market
with only marketing surveys to guide you for a ROI, and offering a service
for a fee to grownups is preying on people?  It's not taking a gamble that
may soak investors for billions of dollars in losses if it fails?

That's some mighty fancy epistemological footwork you've got there.

And yes, it is govt. regulation; regulation that picks winners and losers.
It's the same thing.

> How many web sites would there be if the government charged each an
> $80,000,0000 license fee?

You almost get there, almost, but your political bigotry prevents you from
seeing the truth.

Keep trying.  You may yet connect the dots.

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