> >Don't you mean "*doesn't* reinforce my long-held beliefs about IT
> >management?"
> No. It reinforced my long-held beliefs by demonstrating that good IT
> management is possible and can quickly turn around a bad situation to
> everyone's benefit. It was a good controlled experiment because nothing
> changed other than the IT team. The situation went from black to white
> in just a few weeks time.

That's far different than any attitude you have ever displayed on the list.
Until now, IT managers have been to the right of Clouseau and to the left of

It's good that you finally agree with what I've said all along.  Proper IT
management is a collaborative and evolutionary process that can shepherd the
business process along well, so long you weed out the Mordacs and it's not
held hostage to the foot-stomping tantrums of petulant users, the
ham-handedness of imperious CEOs or bean-counting PHBs.  Or, most of all,
know-it-all IT consultants.

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