At 07:07 AM 8/4/2008, John Emmerling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


     Bob, please.

As a fellow secularist, I have to point out that this type of confrontational arguing serves to discredit us in the eyes of most US citizens.

No, it doesn't. And, even if it did, how would you know? You don't know, and you haven't communicated with, "most US citizens." You don't speak for anyone apart from yourself.

     How's about THAT for "confrontational?"

I submit that to whatever extent I am argumentative and/or confrontational, either, neither, or both, it matters not a tinker's dam to those people (I include non-Americans and non-Christians) who think anyone who doesn't practice their religion is automatically Beelzebub's handmaiden, right out of the gate.

    Therefore, I choose to be IN YO' FAITH!

Please try a different approach.

OK. I'll go from confrontational to vulgar: I'll tell them to suck my balls.

     THAT'S different, isn't it?


Jaco Pastorius: "Bo be boo bop doo bay."


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