In all this talk about the definition morality, I've always found it
interesting how groups use their own definition of it to justify their

This might not have made the national news but....

"Perpetrators must be stopped using whatever means necessary, and the
use of force is a morally righteous tactic; furthermore, it is the most
likely tactic to be effective in halting these atrocities," he said in
an e-mail."

You have to scroll almost to the bottom of the article to find this gem,

Violence hangs over animal researchers
By Lisa M. Krieger and Dana Hull
Mercury News

Razor blades in the mail. Leafleting children's soccer games.
Broadcasting researchers' home addresses. And in Santa Cruz over the
weekend, firebombing scientists' home and cars.

Borrowing strategies used by anti-abortion extremists, some radical
animal rights activists are increasingly taking their rage to
scientists' doorsteps. That has forced universities to adopt tougher
security steps to protect their staff and led to researchers retreating
into secrecy, limiting details about their science, in a field which
relies on sharing information.

"It has dramatically changed the way we run our lives," said P. Michael
Conn, associate director of the Oregon National Primate Research Center,
who has studied animal rights extremists for 15 years and wrote the book
"The Animal Research War."

Among other threats, Conn received a letter with a razor blade glued
inside, concealed so that it could slice his thumb upon opening. He said
other letters have contained the threat: "If you don't quit . . .
something bad will happen to you."

"Until recently, universities and professional societies have ducked out
of this because they don't want to be lightning rods for extremists,"
Conn said.

That's changing.

In February, after activists set off an incendiary device at the home of
University of California-Los Angeles researcher Edythe London, the
school paid for security guards and alarm systems for off-campus homes.
UCLA also sends campus police to off-campus demonstrations.

Safety restrictions

Earlier this year, a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge approved a
restraining order sharply limiting the contact between animal rights
activists and researchers. It creates a 50-foot buffer around targeted
scientists' homes during the day and a 150-foot bubble at night,
according to spokesman Phil Hampton. Since then, "far fewer incidents of
harassment have been directed at our faculty," he said.

An effort to make it a misdemeanor to intimidate academic researchers by
entering their property had stalled in the state Assembly.

The University of California has begun withholding public records that
detail how animal research is done and what scientists hope to learn,
saying such disclosure leads to attacks, according to the Sacramento
Bee. Among the records UC has withheld recently are daily health care
logs for monkeys, postmortem exams and research protocols that describe
how studies are designed. UCLA is refusing to disclose how many
non-human primates it uses in experiments.

Such restrictions are part of the law in Utah. The Utah State Records
Committee recently upheld the university's refusal to release names of
animal research employees. And Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County, home
to the University of Utah, passed ordinances restricting targeted
residential demonstrations within 100 feet of homes.

At the University of California-Berkeley, activists have harassed
professors at their homes late at night and even leafleted the soccer
game of a researcher's child, according to spokeswoman Marie Felde.

UC-Berkeley's new Li Ka-Shing Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences
- which would expand the university's animal lab - is also under attack.
One Web site lists the names and addresses of the general contractor,
architect and scientists associated with the project.

On Monday, officials offered a $30,000 reward for information on the
Saturday attacks that left one scientist fleeing his smoke-filled home
with his family, and another researcher with a charred car. About 150
people attended a protest at the University of California-Santa Cruz to
denounce the violence.

So far, no one has claimed responsibility for Saturday's firebombings,
the most violent attack yet against any UC employee. Designated an act
of domestic terrorism, the case has been turned over to the FBI.

The FBI said it was alarmed by the brazen nature of the attack. "This is
something that put people's lives in jeopardy," said Joseph Schadler, an
FBI spokesman. "This is a completely different level of crime."

Force defended

Jerry Vlasak, a spokesman for the North American Animal Liberation Press
Office, defended the use of force as a tool in social justice movements.

"Perpetrators must be stopped using whatever means necessary, and the
use of force is a morally righteous tactic; furthermore, it is the most
likely tactic to be effective in halting these atrocities," he said in
an e-mail.

Others in the animal rights community decried the firebombings, saying
they would set the movement back.

"We're against violence to any species, including our own," said Dr.
Elliot Katz, a veterinarian and president of In Defense of Animals in
San Rafael. "With a broad brush, it makes everyone who cares about
animals look like an extremist, and that plays into the hands of people
who exploit them. They are able to discredit what we do."

Such attacks, however, can deter scientists from their work.

"This sort of thing has a very chilling effect on researchers and
potential students, and thus on the entire enterprise of basic medical
research," said one Stanford University researcher. He requested
anonymity because of fears he would be targeted.

-----Original Message-----
From: Computer Guys Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Piwowar
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Puritans at the helm...

>The government is not supposed to be sticking a wetted finger into the
>every hour to see which way the popular wind is blowing.

Read the Wikipedia article on "The Wisdom of Crowds"

It will make you feel better about all this.

Or maybe worse.

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