I received a message sent from Apple Mail in its Rich Text Format. The message included htmls, gifs, and a tiff, all intended to be displayed inline. Once the message got to Outlook 2003, however, everything became a separate attachment. I would prefer to see the message displayed as it was sent, with embedded content and graphics. Note - this annoyance is reproducible and has happened consistently.

I have tried searching MS as well as the web at large. I tried exploring and changing settings but only one seemed relevant. Under Mail Format is a check box for using MS Word 03 to read (or not) rich text emails, but the setting didn't make a difference. I still can't see the original message the way it was sent. I did verify that viewing the message from a web interface worked and displayed the message properly. However, I use IMAP between Outlook and the server, although I'm not sure if it makes a difference.

Suggestions?  Thanks.


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