That sounds like good news for me - one of the reasons that I have no intention of moving to Vista is that I would have to buy new hardware to accommodate the memory requirement just to run the operating system. I still don't understand why MS systems are such memory hogs - the Linux distros I have all run very nicely on a small fraction of the amount that MS requires.

I have to wonder how the current (and unfolding) economic climate will impact such things as the release of new operating systems. Judging by the latest government reports, consumers have begun to sit on their wallets.


Chris Dunford wrote:
Subject: RE: [CGUYS] Windows 7
7 by all reports is no depature at all from Vista.
This was MS's plan for some time, to start releasing
OS's in smaller increments instead of these five year jumps.

I am out here in sunny LA with 25,000 other sheeplike MS developers at
the MS PDC (Professional Developers Conference).  You're basically on
the money. Win7 looks very much like Vista.  There are a lot of changes,
but most of them are under the hood.  MS has focused on performance and
on reducing hardware requirements (Win7 runs satisfactorily on much
smaller machines than Vista).

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