The best we can hope for is that MS is lying. 

If this is the way MS intends to build its operating systems then W7 will 
be even crappier and more dangerous than their previous atrocities. This 
idea is even a bigger mistake than their 
everything-is-connected-to-everything stupidity that makes their OS such 
a playground for virus writers.

Denying the old saying that "The whole is more than the sum of its parts" 
will produce an OS that demos well but falls apart in real use. The 
inconsistencies among its various parts, that should have been ironed out 
early, will be even more maddening. There will be even more redundancies 
as developers of isolated parts will have little idea about what others 
are doing. There will be serious gaps in functionality for the same 
reason. There will be really interesting and hard to diagnose 
interactions among parts because the not tested together at an early 
stage -- things like race conditions that don't show up when parts are 
run in isolation.

People are going to look back on Vista and call it the good old days.

>Windows 7 is a radical departure in the way MS builds it's OS.  Instead of
>each feature being worked on and added in at various times and various
>stages of 'beta', these groups aren't allowed to include their code in 7
>until it is ready to ship.  if you'd been keeping up with the news about 7,
>you'd know that developers and earlier reviewers have all said that 7 does
>not feel beta, but highly stable and usable..all features in the release are
>ready, not a work in progress.  If it still is needing work, the feature is
>not included.  Perhaps MS learned from last time not to promise the whole
>enchilada and deliver only a appetizer.

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