>And they'll be free.  Weren't you just complaining about MS adding stuff in
>like AV because of anti competitiveness?  You aren't making any sense in
>multiple threads from one email to the next.

You have a HUGE blind spot. I see that in your eyes anything MS wants to 
do is double plus good.

MS entering a market with free goods can easily destroy the market. There 
is a history of MS doing this. The problem is not with the free goods, it 
is with the destruction of the market. That is why there are laws about 

Pulling free goods from an established product is not in itself a 
problem. The writer listed a bunch of useless programs that MS should 
pull if it was really trimming for the reasons it claimed. I see the 
programs MS is pulling as being selected strategically to herd its 
customers. I suspect there are laws against this too.

One more example...
My shooting a gun is not a problem. My shooting the gun while pointing it 
at you is a problem, because you will end up dead. The problem is not the 
gun shooting, it is you becomming dead. That is why there are laws about 

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