I know if I subscribe to legitimate sites or purchase an appliance (Like the new ROKU for Netflix) that means I am only allowed to download one movie a month or so?

I have seen where some are pegging different caps for different levels of service.

I presently have a 5 mps service (on paper not in real life) and with some services this would give me a 100 gb cap. Since I am a heavy movie watcher that would limit me to 15 or less downloaded movies a month, unless they are compressing the signal so it is not a full DVD.


At 10:33 AM 11/29/2008, you wrote:
The bit about "downloading pirated bit torrent movies" and "control users
exceeding their limits" is the party line for the opponents of network
neutrality who want to put artificial caps and surcharges on your service
to jack up your rates and herd you to their business partners.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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