Does this mean this internet thing isn't all that it's cracked up to be?

Didn't UAL stock take a nose dive when some lame broker found a story on the 
web that said UAL was filing for bankruptcy.  But the story was several years 

True, the media should be more responsible.  But the pinheads that read the 
news might want to think about it for just a second or two.

But I read it on the web, so it has to be true!!

>Apple has urged Mac owners to use anti-virus software.
>And the day after BBC runs a retraction...
>"There was a web firestorm yesterday over an apparent warning from Apple 
>that its users could be vulnerable to attack and should consider 
>installing anti-virus software. It was a firestorm that we helped to fan 
>with a story - and a post on this blog."
>"So I'm sorry if we suggested that this was a major U-turn by Apple when 
>it was not. Graham Cluley, who we quoted in the post, now describes the 
>incident as "a fascinating example of how the internet can get carried 
>away with itself", and it is certainly true that bloggers and journalists 
> (and I include myself) hate to be left out when this kind of storm brews 

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