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 Mac OS: Antivirus utilities

   * *Last Modified:* November 21, 2008
   * *Article:* HT2550

   * *Old Article:* 4454


Learn about antivirus utilities available for the Mac OS.

   Products Affected

Consumer Software, Mac OS

Apple encourages the widespread use of multiple antivirus utilities so that virus programmers have more than one application to circumvent, thus making the whole virus writing process more difficult. Here are some available antivirus utilities:

   * Intego VirusBarrier X5, available from the Apple Online Store
     License: commercial
* Symantec Norton Anti-Virus 11 for Macintosh, available from the
     Apple Online Store
     License: commercial
* McAfee VirusScan for Mac
     License: commercial

*Important:* Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute Apple's recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor <http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2693?viewlocale=en_US> for additional information.

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John Duncan Yoyo wrote:
On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The advice in that tech note was bad, even if the suggestion to add
antivirus were valid. Running multiple antivirus programs is a bad idea.
The products cited were not good choices. This speaks more to poor
quality control on what gets posted and not much else.

Does anyone have a copy of the technote? I heard it described as Apple
suggesting that if people felt compelled to get anti-virus software they
should not all get the same one.

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