U r correct ...I am a dolt ...lucky 1 at that!

-----Original Message-----
From: Rev. Stewart Marshall [mailto:popoz...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: speedtest

Robert I think you are misstating what you are reading.  Cable 
usually has a high speed DOWNLOAD and a slower speed UPLOAD.

it is 768 down and 2?? up.

6 mps down and 4?? up.

16 mps down and ???up.

Down indicates how fast the connection is tor each from point a to 
your end.  The up indicates how fast it is from you to point a.  (The 
way Charter does it, my Cable modes MAC is registered with them and 
they throttle the speed through signals sent to my modem.

DSL numbers would also reflect this difference.

Yes from the numbers you stated earlier you are getting better than 
you pay for.  A UNIQUE CONDITION in cable broad brand.

I pay for 5mps and get anywhere from 300kbs to 4600mps down from my

By the way DSL will tell you will never share your connection (which 
is correct) but read the sheets closely and what they don't say is 
that your down speed will fall the farther from the switch you 
get.  So you can pay for 1.5mps and probably never get better than 1.2mps.

Hope I did not muddy the waters any.


At 01:47 PM 12/12/2008, you wrote:
>You do realize Comcast sells 3 tiers...
>Basic 768up
>High 6Gup
>High+Boost 16Gup
>I have the BASIC and the numbers I cite exceed what they sold me so I 
>cannot fault that.  But, they put a "brake" on the pole to keep it 
>below the upper tiers and behind them in priority.  Where does one get 
>a splitter with a low impedance through channel such as you describe?  
>Would there be a WiFi solution to this that can reside behind my 
>router?  Can it "see" the cable TV carried into the cable modem via the 

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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