Part of Dell.

You can get 3 yr warranties with many of them. You have 15days (?) to return your purchase w. money back instead of Dell retails' 30 days.

Business and small business you can still get XP with. Precision workstations are the biz power machines. Great quality and quiet cases and components

Home and Home office has only Vista I think. XPS Performance are the gaming machines.

These are pre-built machines ... scratch and dent, refurbished, returned, display models etc. You have to get to and click on "Check Availability and Prices" to get to the database of stock which you can query as you please to see what's available. Know or learn what you are looking for in terms of models, HD's, video cards, sound cards etc.

At the end of the quarter such as now, the database turns over FAST. You can put one in your cart and in checking out find someone already bought it but the DB lag didn't reflect it. Pricing is fast and dirty and isn't necessarily proportional. The HUGE deals that pop up get snapped up fast by lurkers.

Be sure to "View Details" to see the complete manifest for each machine in the DB.

All in all ... a whole lot quieter, easier, cheaper and faster than building your own.


Robert wrote:
db wrote:
I can see how building such a gaming computer would be an interesting project in itself but my advice to you is that you should just buy one but Dell Surplus in the next two weeks... before Jan 31st when their business quarter concludes. (They always dump product via the surplus warehouse just prior to quarter's end)



Is Dell Surplus part of Dell? I googled this name and found only third party surplus places.

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