> I wonder if the Tom/Jeff pair are different personalities in
> the same body?

Now, that's just mean.

> They both denigrate the other and proclaim
> their's is the correct side.  Both companies are using methods
> to make their company grow.  It's not like Microsoft isn't
> above arm-twisting and stove-piping.

I never claimed that MS doesn't do nasty things nor doesn't try to induce
you to buy their products and not the other guy's.  Apple, Microsoft and
Google all want you to drink their own special flavor of Kool-Aid by using
their product stream and theirs alone.  It's not magic.

I've been consistent in that I don't have a problem in how a business
conducts its business per se, that includes Apple and MS, but, unlike Tom
and others, I don't buy into the Apple mythos of it being Rainbow Puppy

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