Two things you can do. Read very carefully the attached literature. Very often will say comes with media.

Also consider the companies you buy from.

Compaq/Hp may or may not include hard copies with computers. My wife's Compaq laptop did not. My Dell (and her new Dell ) did.

Some of what we might call the lower end companies do not include media with their systems, you have to copy it off. (They usually come with a utility that will make recovery disks for you)

If buying from a store, ask to open up one of the boxes to verify the inclusion of media. No media no buy!


At 03:39 PM 2/7/2009, you wrote:
When buying a new computer, how can you tell whether it will come with the
Windows installation disk?
When I bought a computer from a screwdriver shop, it had an installation
disk, which proved handy.  I also bought an eMachines computer which didn't
have it.  Fortunately the need never arose.

I am looking at product specifications on line without being able to
determine this.  Is this not a concern for most customers?  What keywords
should I look for?

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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