Ever heard of liberation theology?  Seen the news reports of all the
delightful "celebrities" cozying up to left wing thugs and dictators?
Idolizing the Viet Cong and NVA?  Worshiping at the feet of the
Sandanista's (and Ortega is at it again I hear)?

Liberation theology refers to the Catholic priests and nuns who worked to protect the local people against the dictators who controlled the governments, mostly in Latin America. It has nothing to do with celebrities. Viet Cong weren't liberal. They were nationalists, fighting to remove the colonial influences from their country. Sandinistas are also nationalists, with goals more along the line of freeing the country from a series of brutal dictators that the US installed every time the Nicaraguan people voted for someone they liked.

Communism in its ideal form might appear liberal, but it has never been anything but a label used by dictators to pacify the rabble while enslaving them. I have a family full of refugees from a variety of Latin American countries who would never say that any of those brutal governments have ever been liberal. You have confused the labels with the realities.

It's like putting a picture of someone else on your Facebook page and saying that it's you, only with deadly consequences.

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