On Wed, 11 Feb 2009, db wrote:
You got to break some eggs to make an omelet. Is breaking things orderly?
Probably not from the chicken's point of view...

And we have some pretty stubborn chickens.

Matthew Taylor wrote:
I respect your life choices - I have made some unorthodox choices myself. I don't demand others welcome my choices, or even support my choices. I certainly don't demand that the law be changed to suit my choices - I do what I can to persuade others to support my views that the laws should be changed in an orderly manner.

Have I advocated storming city hall and stealing marriage licenses? I'm
saying that I don't care how unjust laws get changed. Did black people
tell the supreme court after "Brown vs Board of Education"... "no, no,
we'll wait until we can get favorable laws in all 48 states"? Did slaves
after the civil war say "No, no, I'll wait until my state of South Carolina outlaws slavery"?

I wish that the people of the US would reject past injustices sooner,
but it seems that it's usually the courts and/or the federal government
that first tries to fix things. Then the bigots cry "states rights!"
and let their demand for small/weak federal government (or against "activist judges") try to justify their bigotry.

It's also telling that you called it my "lifestyle" and "a choice".
Strangely, your religion, more of a choice than my "lifestyle", does more damage than my "lifestyle", and yet no one suggests you give it up.

You also dragged marriage into the discussion, trying to say I want more
(or changed) laws, but it was "Lawrence v. Texas" that started this
discussion (for me anyway). That overturned a state law which made
what I do in the privacy of my own bedroom (if I lived in Texas) a
crime. How is having that law "small unobtrusive goverment"? You simply
brings up that excuse when it suits your bigotry.

I shouldn't have jumped into this political discussion, but I was simply
trying to show that this kind of bigotry affects real people, people you
know, but obviously don't care about.

Vicky Staubly       http://www.steeds.com/vicky/        vi...@steeds.com

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