>There is a tinge of truth I think to the elitist attitude expressed more by
>Apple in general then paticular users, although it's not hard to run into
>those users if you look around.  Her line about not being cool enough for
>Apple has that tinge of sarcastic truth that some feel.

Perhaps you may have been hoodwinked? This shopper was an actress (a real 
one: member of the Screen Actors Guild 
<http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_12003603>), not a real shopper. We will 
probably never know how much of the dialog was improv vs. scripted. I'm 
sure MS has enrolled Lauren in the Witness Protection Program.

If Lauren's experience at the Apple Store was like most, she was probably 
treated very well. The customer service at the Apple Stores is amazing.

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