> ComputerWorld <http://blogs.computerworld.com/node/13577/print> has an
> interesting review of the computer Lauren supposedly bought. "This is
> the
> kind of setup that sparked the 'Made for Vista' lawsuits." "...has the
> worst screen I have seen in my life." "...loaded up with trial
> crapware."
>  "Its networking is 5 years old." "The battery is said to last 2.5
> hours.
> Real-world usage is always close to around half of that." "The thing is
> almost 2-inches thick and weighs nearly 8 pounds."

Oh gosh, the house Apple fanboi has harsh words for a PC.  Zounds!  Let's
look at what some of his "criticisms" are:

- Pavilion Laptop with AMD TurionT X2 RM-72 Dual-Core Mobile Processor.

I have staff who run AutoCAD and complex lighting plans on laptops run by
slightly slower Turions.  They get by just fine.

- It has DDR2 RAM which is what $300 Netbooks run.

Oh noes!  It runs DDR2!  What a dog!  DDR2 is also on the vast majority of
hardware out until last year, including high-end workstations.  DDR3 only
recently came out and is still more expensive than DDR2.

- Its networking is five years old.  802.11G wireless and 100Mb Ethernet are
surpassed by $300 Netbooks.

So, it will be compatible with the majority of wireless networks out there.
Sounds like a good idea.  He does have a point about the 100 MB Ethernet
card - no excuse to not have gigabit.

- It is loaded up with trial crapware and trial antivirus software that will
need to be purchased or wiped offf (sic) the machine.

No argument there.

- Its screen is abysmal.  One reviewer said...

Did you hear that?  One!  Authoritative doesn't come any better than that.

- The battery is said to last 2.5 hours.

That's about par for low/mid-level laptops.  She never said she was buying

- The thing is almost two inches thick and weighs in at almost eight pounds.

Perhaps he missed the part about her not wanting to pay $2,000 for a laptop.
Even the ultra-light PC laptops are pushing 2 grand.

- Again, the takeway (sic) is that Microsoft will install their software on
an extremely shoddy computer.

Perhaps, it is a retail level HP, after all.  But, she doesn't suffer from
the "perfect as the enemy of good" syndrome as the author apparently does.

She could have bought any number of decent laptops for under $1,000,
including Dell, but going online obviously doesn't have the visual appeal of
brick and mortar for a 30 second spot.  She should have bought a Toshiba or

- If I were running the show over there, I'd point to the ASUS Eee 1000HE
running XP.

Pssst...she wanted a laptop with a 17" screen.  Did Seth even watch the
commercial or did he have an intern do that for him?

Still an Asus wouldn't be a bad choice.  They just surpassed Apple in

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