> "Lauren" is presented as a "real person" but she's not. She claims, or
> her character claims to shop at an Apple Store. She doesn't.

Betty, do you think that the woman with the Swiffer actually cleans her house 
with that thing? Or that it is actually her house? Or that it is a house at 
all, not a stage set? 

What is so different about this ad that has you all so peeved? What does it do 
that ads haven't been doing since the invention of television? "We are 
shocked--SHOCKED--to find that the person in the commercial is an actor. We are 
convinced that this has never happened before. MS has completely destroyed our 
faith in television advertising."

The only thing I see that's different is that it's a Microsoft ad taking a 
potshot at Apple.

You folks have danced around this thing in every conceivable way. She's an 
actress. She didn't go into the store (which you don't know). Her HP is too 
heavy (it's certainly heavier than the equivalent Mac, which doesn't exist). 
It's an old model (it's not). She should've gotten an iMac (to take to class?). 
She should've gotten a Linux netbook. She should've somehow gotten a $2,800 
MacBook Pro with her $1,000. Her taste is questionable. I'm stunned that no one 
has complained about her glasses or her huge funky handbag yet.

Go ahead and ignore the fact that, if you don't like the one she got, buy.com 
alone has twenty other sub-$1000 17" PC notebooks that she could've chosen 

What you can't dance around, and what not a single one of you have been able to 
admit, is that if you want a 17" notebook and all you have is a thousand bucks, 
you can choose between dozens of Windows laptops or zero Macs. That's what the 
ad is about, and it is factually correct whether she walked into the store or 
not. All this "She's an idiot to want a laptop" stuff is totally irrelevant. 
Others are allowed to have preferences, wants, and needs that are different 
from those of Mac fans.

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