If all MS has to offer is cheap (and only mention purchase price), then
they are in more trouble than I imagined.

Buy a Yugo or a Chrysler-Fiat; nobody (who advertizes) will sell you one
cheaper.  Wow.  Are they chasing Walmart?

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----
Mark, it's not about preference. It's not about which is better. It's
not about capabilities, maintainability, long term cost, or overall
degree of shininess. In fact, it's not about opinion of any kind. Note
that not one of the "WFBs" anywhere in this thread has said that
Lauren's laptop is better than, say, a MacBook.

What it IS about is whether or not you can get a laptop at all if you
only have $1,000 to spend. I don't see why this is so difficult for
McFans to understand.

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