Well, if she started out her quest [for a laptop] with a set of inflexible requirements that the real world might not be able to meet--including parts of the real world like computer stores--she's limited her options and determined the outcome of her shopping trip before she's even started.

It's like saying, "I want a flawless one-carat stone, but I require that the ring should cost no more than $100." Guess what? You're getting cubic zirconia! Your requirements mean that you never seriously considered a diamond, regardless of what you told yourself.

In fact, I've got a ring with a cubic zirconia in it, and I like it. I also got a nice Mac laptop last year, and I like that, too. I waited for quite some time before I got it, because I didn't have unrealistic ideas of what macs--or diamonds--should cost. The Mac was worth waiting for, even though it cost more than a low-end PC [though it actually cost less than the sleek light-weight PC that was its only rival, as far as I was concerned].

--Constance Warner

Just won't give up, eh? You seem to always omit one of her requirements, accidentally I am sure. She specified a laptop. Last I checked, iMac was a
desktop. Not very convenient for carrying to her busboy classes at the
community college.

Not to mention that even at $1099 it's $400 more than what she eventually
bought. Hardly "mere quibbling."

Can you get a 17" laptop from Apple for $1000? Yes or no?

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