On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 02:05:09 -0400, Constance Warner wrote:

>Well, if she started out her quest [for a laptop] with a set of  
>inflexible requirements that the real world might not be able to  
>meet--including parts of the real world like computer stores--she's  
>limited her options and determined the outcome of her shopping trip  
>before she's even started.

Okay, really. It's a *Microsoft* commercial. It may not be very good,
and she could have bought a better computer, but if she actually
*bought* a Mac, it would make the Seinfeld/Gates commercial look like
shear genius! Why do the cool people think it should have any other

Now, if Apple wants to run a commercial where someone is looking for a
PC and is sold on the Mac's features and buys one. . .fine! It's really
unrealistic to expect Microsoft to pay for an Apple commercial.


Tea. . .Earl Grey. . .Hot

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