Maybe she needed a laptop today, not three years from now after scrimping
and saving?  Maybe she wanted one with at least some kind of warranty rather
then a 4 year old mac that has nothing but duct tape and a wing and a prayer
keeping it together.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 7:49 AM, Constance Warner <> wrote:

> Shopping with a budget and a list?  I shop with a wing and a prayer.  Car
> dealers [and other purveyors of big-ticket items] would hate me, because if
> something costs more than I can afford [most of the time, BTW] I just don't
> buy.  The purchase of a Mac laptop [I do have a relatively new one now] is
> something that was planned for, and schemed for, for years before I FINALLY
> got it.  Before that, my laptops were used [including my first Mac laptop,
> my beloved $25 clamshell]; one was rescued FROM THE TRASH--I got there
> minutes before the cleaning crew would have chucked it into the trash bin on
> the cleaning cart.  [No, the cleaners--whom I had gotten to know fairly
> well--couldn't have used the computer themselves.]
> My point is that Lady Shopright COULD have had  a Mac laptop, IF she hadn't
> wanted to pay a Wal-Mart discount price for a fancy, premium new machine.
>  Which is pretty unrealistic--if she had done 5 minutes' worth of research
> on the Net, she would have known that.  No need for even a pretend visit to
> the Apple Store.
> --Constance Warner
> On Mar 30, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
>  Constance I am not sure how you shop but I shop with a budget and a list.
>> I have a preconceived idea of what I need and want before I go shopping.
>>  Ever go to a grocery store without a list?  How much do you spend without a
>> list versus with a list.
>> When I go shopping for a car I have a budget and a needs list.  (4 door,
>> automatic (I like clutches but my wife dose not) power seats, power windows
>> etc.)
>> If I did not find a car within my budget I either revise my budget or I
>> revise my needs list.
>> Car dealers love folks like you because they can over sell a car to you
>> because you will take what they tell you, you need.
>> By the way I will not pay more for a foreign car just because it is
>> foreign.  It better give me a lot more for my buck than a domestic car or I
>> am not buying it.
>> I have owned a couple of foreign cars but European cars not Japanese.  (I
>> am not prejudiced as I realize that most American cars sold are multi
>> national cars.  I have just been bitten by repair facilities over charging
>> for fixing foreign cars.)
>> Price is at one point important, but at another point just part of the
>> equation.
>> The point of the Ad (it was not a documentary it is placed as an ad, that
>> is like calling these paid advertisements on TV documentaries.) was that you
>> could not buy a Mac Notebook for under $1,000.00.  That was the main point
>> they wanted to  make.  All sorts of assumptions have been made on what they
>> were trying to say.  But you know what they say about assumptions. :-)
>> Stewart
>> At 09:00 AM 3/30/2009, you wrote:
>>> I still say, that going shopping with preconceived notions and
>>> requirements is fundamentally unrealistic. The real world does not
>>> organize itself according to our wishes.  If she's even thinking of
>>> buying a Mac [which from context it's clear that she's NOT]  she
>>> needs to look at Macs overall--quality, price, everything.  If price
>>> is the only criterion, well, that's her choice; but if she wants a
>>> Mac at an unrealistically low price--well, that's just wishful thinking.
>>> Cubic zirconia isn't fake anything; it's real cubic zirconia, and a
>>> lot of fun.  And an HP isn't a fake computer, but then a Tata Nano
>>> isn't a fake car, either.  It's just not the same as a Toyota or a
>>> Honda, for which one can expect to pay a bit more.
>>> --Constance Warner
>> Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
>> Prince of Peace
>> Ozark, AL  SL 82
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