A good print shop either does it own color separations or prefers tog
et them in a page layout format such as Pagemaker (now indesign) or

At least that was the experience I had when I did years ago.

I do most of my own printing nowadays and have no need for the

Sometimes good print shops get bad files from customers and have to redo them almost completely. Then they get hell from the customer who gave them a Publisher or Word file, wanting to know why it's so expensive to print their files.

More than a few printers I know either completely turn down Publisher files or insist on doing the work in-house from scratch instead of repairing bad documents. The files can be fixed but the purpose of having digital files is so that they're mostly "camera ready", ready to make plates and print. For things that aren't prepared for press, printers are now using digital color printers or photocopiers, but without the high quality output they usually do on presses or the 2400 dpi digital printers.

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