Who was your provider?  Most times the provider hamstrings the hardware, not
the hardware maker...

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 7:40 PM, rleesimon <rleesi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My only experience with that (afaik) was when my new Motorola RazrV3 came
> (when it was just out) and, to my surprise, no video on the camera.  Well,
> a
> little googling around and some downloading and fiddling and the video,
> crippled by motorola (like nobody would realize, duh!) and I had the video
> up and running in about an hour.  Why, oh, why do they do these silly
> things?  ...d'oh!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Piwowar [mailto:t...@tjpa.com]
> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 6:00 PM
> Subject: Re: No netbook for you!
> >Considering what a netbook is intended for, limiting it to three open full
> >applications isn't much of a restriction. And if it isn't, nothing
> prevents
> >you from installing a different edition of Win7 on it. It's just intended
> to
> >be the base version of Windows for installation by the OEMs.
> Were you around whan IBM came out theit its "PC Jr"? It is like that.
> I'm not big on vendors who artificially cripple their software.
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