>I have ordered, from the Apple Store, a refurbed Mac mini for this
>fellow as his first computer.  He has been convinced that he does not
>have to have the same kind of computer that, as he put is, "everyone
>else has."  The Mac mini was $419 and I also ordered from Apple a nice
>Canon printer, the iP4800, which will be free courtesy of an Apple
>rebate offer.  Free shipping on everything as well.  I have a nice
>monitor, as well as a mouse and keyboard laying around that will
>complete his system.

LIAR! LIAR! We all know that you can't buy a Mac for less than a $grand. 
The free printer deal is an obvious tip off to your villainy.

Don't you know that Apple is going out of business?

Wait, wait, Win7 will be great. Really!

There is no software for Macintoshes. None. Zero!

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