On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Tom Piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> >I have ordered, from the Apple Store, a refurbed Mac mini for this
> >fellow as his first computer.  He has been convinced that he does not
> >have to have the same kind of computer that, as he put is, "everyone
> >else has."  The Mac mini was $419 and I also ordered from Apple a nice
> >Canon printer, the iP4800, which will be free courtesy of an Apple
> >rebate offer.  Free shipping on everything as well.  I have a nice
> >monitor, as well as a mouse and keyboard laying around that will
> >complete his system.
> LIAR! LIAR! We all know that you can't buy a Mac for less than a $grand.
> The free printer deal is an obvious tip off to your villainy.
> Don't you know that Apple is going out of business?
> Wait, wait, Win7 will be great. Really!
> There is no software for Macintoshes. None. Zero!

I heard there is some.  A thing called windows will run on it.


John Duncan Yoyo

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