> The market didn't work at all. MS's monopoly prevented the market from
> working. Without competition, IE was everywhere. When competition was
> allowed, through lawsuits and legislation--not the "free" market--MSIE
> finally had to compete with other better browsers, and was found to be
> inferior.

Seriously?  When competition was "allowed?"  Wow, the mental contortions you 
people go though to make your points.

I'm sure you will be able to show us just how MS made competition with them 

> Propaganda and consolidation of media prevented accurate news and
> information about solar. While US investment in basic scientific
> research ['60s/'70s] resulted in solar applications for NASA, the
> nuclear and fossil fuel industries were spending millions to lie about
> solar energy. Photovoltaics, invented in the US, are now produced in
> Japan, Germany, France. The effective federal program to fund solar
> research and applications in the late 70s was ended once Reagan [owned
> by nuclear power industry] and Bush [petroleum] took office in 1980.
> Solar subsidies were discontinued, space research budget moved to "star
> wars" and nukes and oil subsidies went up.
> So much for the fantasy about the "free market". It doesn't exist.
> Never
> did.

In a world where solar can't survive without direct guvmint subsidies, I agree 
with that statement.

You'd think that something so wonderful could operate in the energy market 
without constant federal support.

> Without politicians who care and understand enough to fund scientific
> research and applications, we might not have the Internet. No
> corporation would fund something like ARPANET, with no prospect of
> profit, or even that it would work at all.

Stopped clock and all.  And without a profit-driven market to recognize what 
such a resource could be, we, the public, would never have had an "Internet."  
It would still be the realm of academia and military otherwise.

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