> You are happy when the government "leases" public land for coal, oil and
> gas extraction and gets paid little of nothing for it, but when it acts
> to promote a more balanced energy policy you act outraged. (I worked on
> the National Energy Plan for close to 10 years so I do know something
> about this.)

No really, I get it.  The current adminsitration will give us all free
ponies and happy, butterfly-filled sunshine everyday.

There's no way that the next adminstration will turn the ponies into
hoardes of mind-controlled carnivores and the sunshine into giant,
frikkin' laser beams.

> That is simply untrue propaganda. You have no facts to back this up.

You're right.  the past 15 years was just a massive  hallucination.  My bad.

> You
> are of course defending another massive government give away to greedy
> corporations -- corporate welfare. The public funded the development and
> took all the risks.

We're not talking about the Bush/Obama bailouts now.  All those juicy
profits the guvmint wasted by not developing a consumer-oriented
Internet.  Oh!  The pain!

> When it became very apparent that it was a success
> the greedy rushed in and took things over for free. The greedy bellyache
> about collecting every last cent for their "intellectual property," but
> would be outraged if asked to pay for what they appropriated.

Blah, blah, blah, partisan blinkers, yadda, yadda, yadda.  Call when
you have a point to make.

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