I don't think that Mozilla is Java based. Sourceforge would be the place to check to see what Java based open sourced projects are out there.

Found an interesting link here that might prove useful:


On May 18, 2009, at 3:08 PM, Michael Drabick wrote:

No clearances, but do know of a back door to get one.
Community College sounds like a good idea.
Open Source - would Mozilla be one of those using Java?


Matthew Taylor wrote:
Probably the best way is to just buy a book and start coding. As to what to code you could look around for an open source project to join. Parallel to this a class at the local community college will help credential you.

Do you already have a clearance?


On May 18, 2009, at 12:07 PM, Michael Drabick wrote:

I am looking for the quickest way to get up to speed on these two programing languages, as I have become one of the victims of this troubled economy. I have been to a few Job fairs and every one wants Java and C++/C# programmers with clearances. It seems the government is the only one with money to spend and they want their projects done in those languages. I learned Fortran & Basic decades ago so this shouldn't be that difficult. Any advise would be appreciated.


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