> From: Tony B <ton...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Can't connect to web except through an I.P. address.
>     [ The following text is in the "ISO-8859-1" character set. ]
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> Perhaps he's got his own networking set up to manually use a DNS?
> Normally, machines get the DNS addys from the DHCP server - the
> (wireless) router, or modem.
> Maybe have him try flushing his cache and try again:
> http://www.itechtalk.com/thread4550.html
> Rather than try to go through a complete checklist here, maybe have
> him try using OpenDNS (free). They have lots of instructions on their
> website. http://www.opendns.com/

Thanks, Tony.  I had seen that opendns website the other night but reading 
through their page - it sounded to me that it wouldn't help.  But after I 
forwarded your message to the person with the problem, I just got back 
this email from him:  "I just went to the freedns website and switched to 
their dns server numbers. I can now connect to the internet."

(I'd also had him flush the cache the other night but that hadn't helped.)

So thanks a bunch.  I know he really appreciates being able to get online 
at the house without having to go out to libraries, etc.


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