> I had a call about this same thing too. The client's connection to
> the DNS were blown away. Once restored everything worked fine. The
> computer in question had not been used much of the week so it was
> easier to trace the problem back to a cause. That was M$'s Tuesday
> patches. The Tuesday patches also brought two unwanted computer
> invasions to this computer: "M$ Genuine Advantage" and "M$ Windows
> Live Messenger." WLM is now incessantly demanding attention and Add/
> Remove won't provide a means for it to be uninstalled.

WLM is *not* part of patch Tuesday.  It is an optional component on a
separate page that you must manually select in order to download and install
it.  WGA will, however, d/l by default.  You can deselect it as I have done
many times (but I eventually installed it).  

WLM was honor-system installed by your client.

Now, why either of these would cause DNS problems, that's a mystery.  I've
installed the most recent patches and I'm not having this issue.

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