BTW, the warning that Beck describes does come up, and it does come from a
.gov website but it's the website.  The page Beck was showing was
for dealers, LOGIN/PASS protected for dealers enrolled in the cash for
slaughtering pigs...I mean buying clunkers program.  I keep confusing this
president with the one who totaled our economy LAST time.

And for those left wing Che lovers who think the big O is Jesus...I got the
info for this from your bible.  DailyKos.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 12:10 PM, <>wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 10:02 PM, Tony B<> wrote:
> > Glenn claims you better not visit (Cash for Clunkers)
> > website, or the feds will own your computer. I am unable to reproduce
> > his claims.
> >
> > (5 mins)
>   I also experimented by going to the CARS site.  Nothing at all as
> was described by Beck and his  shrilly shilling "News Anchor" who was
> hosting his diatribe took place.  No "Warning" dialog box was seen by
> me upon clicking on every link on the site that i could find
> . This "News Anchor," some hottie brunette, was saying that the site
> was installing "malware cookies" on the computers of folks who were
> navigating to the site.  She is clearly an IT expert as well as having
> been a beauty queen prior to being hired up by Fox to be pimped to the
> viewing public.
>  I saw that the computer Beck was using, one that he claims to have
> seen the dialog box on that said visitor's computers would be taken
> over by the government and become government property, was an HP
> running Windows.  My machine is a Mac.  Perhaps my test was therefore
> invalid, and the alleged government possession of one's computer is
> limited solely to Windows users.  At any rate, Beck could not get that
> alleged dialog box to appear while he was on the air, and he reverted
> instead to displaying some text on screen to simulate what he claims
> to have seen.  Too bad that outright lying on news programs is not
> illegal.  His ass is covered and he knows it.
>  Steve
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