I never said he was right.  I just said the site exists.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 2:36 PM, phartz...@gmail.com <phartz...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 4:54 PM, mike<xha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > BTW, the warning that Beck describes does come up, and it does come from
> a
> > .gov website but it's the esc.gov website.  The page Beck was showing
> was
> > for dealers, LOGIN/PASS protected for dealers enrolled in the cash for
> > slaughtering pigs...I mean buying clunkers program.  I keep confusing
> this
> > president with the one who totaled our economy LAST time.
>   Lets be clear about this.  Beck flat out says on that Fox News piece
> that the site is CARS.GOV and he warns all of America, clearly meaning
> we the people, not to log onto that site.  He makes no mention
> whatsoever about any other website, such as the one that you have
> pointed out.  He does say that dealers who log onto their area of the
> site, which is password protected and not available to the general
> public, are presented with this notice.
>  However, with the help of the brunette ex-beauty queen News
> anchorette, both he and she then devolve into a rant about how
> ordinary Americans, seeking to take advantage of this CARS program,
> will find themselves mired in a morass of "malware cookies" and
> turning over their computers to the federal government.  Therein you
> find the lies and distortions.
>  By the way, who was this last President who totaled our economy?
>  Steve
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