Why are you adding all that unrelated stuff together? Just to make a
point with people that can't add???

If you're tired of hearing about cloud computing then you're on the wrong list.

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 9:57 PM, b_s-wilk <b1sun...@yahoo.es> wrote:
> Online backups:
> $1.78-$4.60 per month for backup service, PLUS the faster broadband service
> for home/office, PLUS the mobile data plan, PLUS the cellular modem plan for
> a notebook. These can easily add up to well over $100/mo., could be upwards
> of $150-$200/mo.
> EXPENSIVE, unless you stay home. This works for you. That doesn't mean it
> works for others.
> You ignore the total cost, concentrating on the backup service and ignoring
> the other costs for online access away from home.
> Please tell us what the next branding for online services will be after we
> get tired of hearing about clouds. OK we're tired of it now.

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