Make no mistake, none of it is crucial.  But If I can get a phone that lets
me do it, why would I not get that phone?  I'm not one of those users as Tom
is who assumes whatever *I* do is all that anyone ever has to do and
anything else is shite.  I know different people have different needs,
different ways of getting things done, different goals and different
hobbies.  I don't assume when someone makes a choice different from mine,
that they are stupid and in need of medication, I assume they know what is
best for them and I hope they've done their homework before deciding.

In answer to your specific question, at the time I sent the last email where
I said I want to be able to multitask, I was answering an email, on three
IRC networks (talking in two channels actively), on IM with a friend in
London and checking twitter for a search I'd done.  If I'm on IRC on the
iphone, I can't switch back and forth to IM without shutting down the other
app...I can't answer an email without shutting down other apps.
Disconnecting from IM and IRC every time I want to read an email would be
tiresome, I've done it.  I like my little cell phone world I can create on a
phone I can multitask on, do I *need* it?  Of course not.  But combine that
advantage on a network that is MUCH cheaper and I'm very satisfied with my
choice knowing I've lost some things and gained some things.

On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 3:02 PM, David K Watson <>wrote:

> What kind of multitasking is it that you want to do on a small
> handheld that is so crucial?  I don't have have an iPhone, but
> I do have an iPod Touch, and I can surf the web or compose
> an email, etc. while listening to music, and you can do more
> than one thing at a time of this sort with the iPhone, too.  On
> those things where you can't do two things at a time, like using
> turn directions and answer a call, you pause the app long
> enough to answer the call, then you resume the app at the
> point where you left off, running the app and taking the call
> at the same time.
> Think also of some of the multitasking limitations specific to the
> Droid (though not to the android platform in particular).
> Because of Verizon's CDMA network limitations, the Droid won't
> be able to do voice and data apps at the same time, and I am
> not really clear on whether or not it can have more than one
> data stream at the same time (anyone know?).
> So what kind of multitasking is it that the Droid can do that
> the iPhone's limited multitasking can't do that you think might
> be really compelling?
>  Date:    Fri, 6 Nov 2009 22:17:33 -0700
>> From:    mike <>
>> Subject: Re: Moto droid by Andy ihnatko
>> Some people need or want different things from their cell phone. For me
>> the
>> killer feature is multitasking,  this makes up for any issues their might
>> be.  Android isn't just good enough,  its a solid choice.  The iPhone
>> lacks
>> features and so does the android platform,  I just find android to be
>> lacking less for what I do.
>> On Nov 6, 2009 8:41 PM, "tjpa" <> wrote:
>> On Nov 6, 2009, at 10:52 AM, mike wrote: > > Good review/comparison of the
>> new moto droid with the u...
>> "It=92s a long list and the basic point is that the Android OS shows
>> severe
>> signs of a product team whose motto is =93It works; let=92s ship it and go
>> home.=94
>> "Okay? Let=92s put that on record. As a user, I think the iPhone is vastly
>> superior.
>> End of story
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