That was all on my phone, an HTC Hero.  The moto droid can do the same, all
the android phones are similiar hardware except for the moto droid having a
better screen and the samsung moment having 8 gigs of built in memory.
There are something on the order of 100,000 apps for iphone, I think at last
count 20,000 were either tip calculators or flashlight apps.  Tongue in
cheek of course...there are thousands of android apps, and I can't say I've
gone looking for an app and not found something suitable.  So far so good.

I broke my foot in four places a few weeks ago, so I've gotten to know my
couch far better then it or I ever hoped.  That said I have spent a lot of
time on my semi new phone putting it to the test.  As far as if I multitask did see i was on IRC right?  Not exactly a brain taxer...same
with twitter.  Both are more time wasters, leftovers from being on the net
so long.  It's a nice distraction while I keep my foot up, and even nicer I
don't need to sign out of twitter, IM or IRC and just play around on
whatever I want keeping them all open while also looking at an occasional
email or engadget page.

On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 9:33 PM, David K Watson <>wrote:

> That is the kind of answer I've been looking for, that I haven't
> seen at all anywhere else.  Whatever works for you, fine.  You
> make a good case for your phone. (Was all that on your phone,
> or was it at your computer and you are giving an example of
> what you'd like your phone to do?)  However, do you know that
> the Droid can do all that now or at least will be able to do that if the
> right apps are made for it?  If so, then there is definitely a
> place for it at the smartphone table.
> On a side note, what are you, a hyperactive teenager?  You
> sound like one seriously distracted dude, dude, if that is
> representative of more than a tiny fraction of your day.
> Live your life however you want, but I hope that you know
> that there's lots of cognitive science which says that kind of
> multitasking seriously impairs your critical thinking, memory
> and mood.  Science also says that no one does multitasking
> anywhere nearly as well as they think that they do.
>  From:    mike <>
>> Subject: Re: Moto droid by Andy ihnatko
>> In answer to your specific question, at the time I sent the last email
>> where
>> I said I want to be able to multitask, I was answering an email, on three
>> IRC networks (talking in two channels actively), on IM with a friend in
>> London and checking twitter for a search I'd done.  If I'm on IRC on the
>> iphone, I can't switch back and forth to IM without shutting down the
>> other
>> app...I can't answer an email without shutting down other apps.
>> Disconnecting from IM and IRC every time I want to read an email would be
>> tiresome, I've done it.  I like my little cell phone world I can create on
>> a
>> phone I can multitask on, do I *need* it?  Of course not.  But combine
>> that
>> advantage on a network that is MUCH cheaper and I'm very satisfied with my
>> choice knowing I've lost some things and gained some things.
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